Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Pony Horse Horse 1 Horse 2 Donkey Pony Well I've been having a horsey holiday! I have now officially cantered the tallest horse in FEC barn. I just did. His name is Bob and he's really cute!

He's 15 hands high, whatever that means to you. That's him in the picture. Well, that's him from last summer. He's been rescued from an abusive thoroghbred racer/owener. He's fineand he's filling out quite nicley now. He's a terrible barn horse, but once you get on him he's amazing! I walk-trot-cantered him today. But I'm not a very good rider so that's saying something. His nicknames include Obber-bobbers, sabobbers, bobbie boy, and handsome boy.

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